

Internals are the marks awarded by our lecturers to us according to our behavior in the class and our marks in the cycle tests. Nowadays internal marks are the only things that concern me the most. Now in my department they have laid a rule that the mark should be awarded as an average of 3 cycle tests which will be conducted during the span of the semester. The internals constitute 20% of the marks and highly affect the marks as well as percentage. Only in engineering colleges, the internal marks are taken in account.

In the arts and science colleges the marks are not based on internals and the students must clear the paper by getting 50 marks out of 100. The method should be implemented in Anna univ colleges also. Although the teachers may cry that the eradication of internals can be risky and the students may not respect them… the truth is students do not care of respecting the teachers and lecturers even if the internal marking system is there and the students who want to score marks would automatically read for it.Also the student’s performance in the class and cycle tests cannot be assumed as a criterion in their end result.

The lecturers use the internal mostly to black mail the students and to bring them to their way. Also many colleges are using this type very comfortably awarding students a minimum of 17 or 18 in internals so that they me easily get good marks even if they just pass the externals. Unfortunately though, my college is not like the kind of one of those mentioned above. In my college, they are calculating with utmost perfection, the marks obtained in the tests and then they take the average of it which only leads us to some 4 or 5 marks out of 20.

Though there are students who score even 15 or 16 in this format thru writing the cycle tests very well… those students doesn’t need internals at all to get a pass mark. The total system is an old piece of crap formed by somebody who was out of his mind when he framed the rule of internals.

I hope, at least, for the students coming in the future, the internal marking system is scraped and the marks should be given only based on their external score.

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